My Journey with Western Medicine and Complementary Alternatives

If you’ve read my book MAKING MIRACLES: 1st I Cured my In-Curable Blindness, so why the Hell am I Still Fat, you will know that I have had physical health challenges in my joints, autoimmune allergy induced asthma and autoimmune skin problems (scleroderma). This book, MAKING MIRACLES is free, in eBook, from many booksellers and through my website: All of my books are available in multiple formats.

Decades ago, I was told that I was eligible for, and needed, total knee and hip replacement in all four joints. I refused to schedule the surgery, took the literature home, but could not bring my mind around to those surgeries that would have eaten up a year with surgeries and rehab.

The pain became very bad while I was a professor teaching on-line. Every other month, I spent seven straight days teaching face-to-face residencies, all over the country. The residencies required long distance travel, which I loved but were difficult with painful joints. Still, I could not bring myself to accept surgery.

So, I used a gratitude journal to heal my knees and hips. My guru in this field is Mike Dooley, “Thoughts Become Things.  After several months, I went to see my orthopedic surgeon who took new x-rays. He then informed me that the impossible had happened. My joints were so healthy that I no longer qualified for joint replacement, anywhere.

My husband, Neal, found a book, GENO TYPE DIET by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo.  After measuring our bodies, according to the instructions, we learned what diet was best for each of us. Following the diets included in the book, we each lost many pounds and my scleroderma improved so much that I threw away all the expensive prescriptions that had helped minimally for decades.

The information from two documentaries helped me tremendously. The documentaries were: iThrive and ProVen.  iThrive promoted a plant-based diet, with the intention of preventing or curing diabetes. Cookbooks are available and I bought two hard-backed cookbooks. One of the cookbooks has been used so much that it is falling apart. Proven explored scientifically supported alternative healing methods.

The combination of the Geno Type diet, emphasizing plant-based iThrive foods from my Geno Type food lists, and the healing methods from ProVen has improved my health to the point that I have loss about 50 pounds, have minimal problems with my joints and few problems with scleroderma. By including so many Geno Type plants in my diet, from following iThrive, and by incorporating teas from ProVen, my scleroderma improved by leaps and bounds. Of course, I also keep up with my gratitude journal which gave me the initial bolus in all areas.

From ProVen, I have incorporated Yoga and modified Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes, several times a week. My core strength has improved so much that I seldom have knee or hip pain and the pain is very mild. Teas, Reishi and Chaga, from ProVen further improved my skin.  

I have been on steroids for my lungs for years because of autoimmune allergy induced asthma. My lab work indicated that three years of injections would help my lungs. Again, I was reluctant and it was more than a year before I chose that option.

Next month, it will be two years since I was sick with asthma. The every four-week injections have worked. My daily inhalant has been cut to every other day and will be discontinued in a few months.

Today, I want to give you some scientifically supported alternatives for difference problems. These are from the ProVen documentary. I am only including the methods that I personally have benefited from using or I’m telling you I have not used the specific method.

Stress (At this time in my life, the only stress I have is from my husband’s job, which hobby I want to do next, and what my grandchildren are doing):

  • Journaling (I do Gratitude Journaling)
  • Tai Chi & Qi Gong
  • Yoga
  • Reishi (the Queen of all mushrooms) is Adaptogenic which means it helps the body adapt to stress

Autoimmune Disorders and GI Disorders (These were biggies for me with autoimmune allergy induced asthma, autoimmune scleroderma and several GI diagnoses):

  • Nutrition (plant-based diet drawn from my personal Geno Type food lists)
  • Reishi Mushrooms (There are other mushrooms for this category, but my Geno Type diet excludes them for my body type, so I don’t eat or drink them.)
  • Turmeric

Fatigue and Insomnia:

  • Qi Gong
  • Grounding or Earthing is scientifically supported for fatigue and insomnia. (I have not done it, although I keep thinking I will do it. I just keep forgetting. All you do is sit or stand barefoot outside on grass, dirt, sand, rocks or whatever.)

Obesity, Diabetes & Heart Disease:

  • Personalized nutrition (for me, this is Geno Type diet with emphasis on plants. My A1C is now normal.)
  • Exercise Therapy (This therapy can be any dancing. I do Yoga, Tai Chi & Qi Gong and sometimes dance around my house. I have a passion for dancing.)
  • Meditative Movement (Yoga, Tai Chi & Qi Gong)
  • Herbal Medicine and Grounding are scientifically supported, but I don’t do them.

Preventing & Healing Cancer: (The only problem I have had is pre-cancerous skin cells. They were removed and I began drinking Chaga tea every day. I also do mind-body practices. I’ve had no new occurrences of pre-cancer cells for several years.)

  • Chaga tea
  • Mind-Body practices (Yoga, Tai Chi & Qi Gong)

I discussed only a few of the problems addressed in ProVen. I focused on problems and healing methods that I use, personally. ProVen explores ten separate conditions and offers the top five scientifically supported alternative preventions/cures, for each.

For me, complementing Western medicine with alternatives, from Geno Type diet, the iThrive documentary and the ProVen documentary has led to a much healthier and vibrant life.

Love & Miracles,

Doc Taylor